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A illustrated dog-man sits in a fiery room with an expression like everything is fine although it is not fine


From happenings inside the office to happenings inside our creative minds, the Pinboard is a collection of Framework Design’s latest discoveries, activities, experiments and notable moments.

Keep up to date with us and the world of digital by checking out the Pinboard below. 
5 Step Google Analytics

Christian -

Why You Should Use Google Analytics For Your Website.


Stephan -

Halloween In Nottingham 2022.

The Framework Team have been discussing where to have our Christmas party, and we have discovered that there is a huge variety of venues across Nottingham offering a diverse range of entertaining nights for all budgets, tastes and party sizes. Here is our selection of 15 venues we have found Nottingham has to offer this year.


Stephan -

2022 Christmas Parties in Nottingham.

The Framework Team have been discussing where to have our Christmas party, and we have discovered that there is a huge variety of venues across Nottingham offering a diverse range of entertaining nights for all budgets, tastes and party sizes. Here is our selection of 15 venues we have found Nottingham has to offer this year.


Stephan -

Improve Your Marketing By Deleting Social Media.


Stephan -

5 Top Tips for Staying Safe Online.

Pinboard Graphics 2.2

Christian -

The Pros and Cons of Office Dogs.

The advantages of landing pages

Stephan -

The Advantages of Using Landing Pages for Marketing.
