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A illustrated dog-man sits in a fiery room with an expression like everything is fine although it is not fine


Account Manager



Account Manager

Tell us about your career so far…
After I graduated from the University of Southampton (Winchester School of Art), I decided to start my career as a freelance Graphic Designer / Brand Specialist. I did this for a few years, until I moved to Manchester and joined a digital design agency where I started building my career path in the creative sector doing management. Ever since then I’ve been able to grow and offer my transferable skill-set to each client and help them turn their vision into a reality.

Please share a memorable career highlight
Personally, being able to grow from a designer to a team leader and manager. It just shows that with a bit of luck, the right exposure and work ethic we can achieve anything. I’m very grateful for all the amazing opportunities I had in my career path, which led me to Framework!

What are you most proud of achieving?
I attended two separate full-time schools at the same time between the ages 9 – 14 (Bauska City Primary School and Bauska Art and Design School) graduating with the highest honor. It was a challenge but it was worth the time and effort.

Where would you like your career to go in the future?
Hopefully, onwards and upwards ha! I’ve always been passionate about brand and design, so being able to help more brands grow and transform in the ever-changing world we live in is where I’d love to keep growing.

What do you like to do in your spare time?
I craft and design, so during Covid I started my own little creative studio where I design and make large interior installations. If I’m not doing that, I am outdoors exploring or snowboarding.